Nh-9 (2022) - FR
En tissant des imaginaires sur le mode du biomimétisme, « Nh-9 » est une expérience poétique immersive qui tente de développer des notions d’interrelations entre humains et non-humains. L’enjeu de ce projet est de permettre de s’immerger dans un état de modifications (et/ou de mutations) sensorielles pour construire des paysages interconnectés en imaginant un monde vivant – constitué des êtres et des relations entre ces êtres.
Sandrine Deumier is a pluridisciplinary artist working in the field of performance, poetry, and video art whose work investigates post-futurist themes through the development of aesthetic forms related to digital imaginaries. With her dual philosophical and artistic training, she has constructed a multifaceted poetic style focused on the issue of technological change and the performative place of poetry conceived through new technologies. Using material from the word as image and the image as word vector, she also works at the junction of video and sound poetry, considering them as sensitive devices to express a form of unconscious material itself. The process of writing and the mobile material of the image function as underlying meanings of reflux which refer to her real installations and audiovisual performances in collaboration with composers.